Scar & Stretch Mark Treatments

Stretch Marks and scars, from trauma, surgery or acne, can have a huge impact on self-esteem - particularly if they are visible on the face.

We have enormous experience in permanently reducing visible scarring and have a range of available treatment options that can be tailored to your specific scar condition:

  • Microdermabrasion: Simple solution for tiny superficial scars.
  • Chemical Peels: Effective for shallow scars over a wide area.
  • Microneedling: Extremely effective solution for deeper scars that are localised or over a wide area.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma: Accelerate skin repair and rejuvenation - best used in combination with microneedling.
  • Dermal Fillers: Best solution for isolated, large depressed scars.

Microneedling for scar revision

At your consultation your practitioner will determine whether eDermastamp or INTENSIF treatments are the best suited for your specific scars.

eDermastamp with PRP

eDermastamp is a microneedling treatment that is very effective for deep acne scars, such as "ice pick" or "box car" scars. Accelerated and enhanced results are obtained by combining the microneedling with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as the PRP stimulates your skin's repair and rejuvenation process, whilst the microneedling breaks down your scar tissue. To find out more visit the eDermastamp treatment page.


EndyMed INTENSIF is very effective at reducing acne "box car" and "rolling" scars as well as stretch marks. It works by delivering intense pulses of focused radiofrequency into your skin's dermis using micro-needles. The radiofrequency stimulates skin rejuvenation and collagen production to create new, brighter healthier skin. To find out more visit the EndyMed treatment page.

Mechanical and chemical resurfacing

Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are a quick and simple way to improve the appearance and texture of your skin whilst tackling superficial or shallow scars.


Microdermabrasion mechanically exfoliates dead skin cells to restore skin vibrancy and can be used to reduce small, superficial scars on your skin's surface without discomfort or downtime. To find out more visit the microdermabrasion treatment page.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to create controlled trauma to your skin's epidermis, so that the outer layers peel away to reveal a new fresh skin layer. When the skin begins to heal, increased cell growth produces new, healthier skin. This technique is good for shallow scars over a wide area such as the whole face or back, it is not suitable for deeper "ice pick", "box car" or  "rolling" scars.
Chemical peeling can also help to remove macules, which are red or dark marks left behind after pimples have healed. However, peels also have a tendency to expose any pimples that are forming under the skin, so temporary acne flare-ups after a peel are normal and will resolve to leave a smoother more uniform skin tone and texture. To find out more visit the chemical peel treatment page.

Robert discusses his experience in acne scar reduction

Dermal Fillers

Large depressed scars and "rolling" acne scars may need to be treated with a dermal filler to achieve the smoothest possible skin surface. Results are instant with no downtime, but to maintain results the treatment would need to be repeated every 9-18 months. Dermal fillers are best used after a course of microneedling to mop up the remaining deep depressed scars. To find out more about fillers visit the dermal filler treatment page.

Combination treatment plan

For patients with extensive acne scarring a treatment plan consisting of a combination of the various treatments is most likely to produce the best result, where each treatment addresses a specific concern of the scarring.

Key facts about scar treatments

  • You must have a consultation with a medical practitioner prior to booking a treatment which takes 30 mins and costs £25.
  • Typically our treatments will create a 50-75% improvement, but we cannot completely remove all aspects of scarring.
  • Post treatment and during your course you need to use sun protection to protect your skin from UV damage during its rejuvenation.
  • We can cannot treat acne scars whilst your acne is active, but during these periods we can help you manage your active acne and reduce further scarring.
  • Some scars include lost pigmentation which we cannot replace, but the smoother skin surface we create does make it much easier to camouflage the discolouration with makeup.