Testosterone HRT

Androfeme Body-identical HRT is the only standard pharma female testosterone gel available on private prescription in the UK. Men naturally have much higher levels of testosterone, so it is very difficult to apply the correct dose of male products, such as Trostram, for women. Alternately Testosterone Bio-identical HRT can be compounded.

NICE require a blood test when starting, and annually, for testosterone supplementation regardless of whether the product is Body-identical HRT or Bio-identical HRT.

There is a lot of discussion in forums regarding testosterone as a wonder hormone for libido, energy and weight loss. My experience is testosterone must be an appropriate dose and only works well for women when progesterone and estradiol are already being taken and are well absorbed.

The patient journey is the same as Bio-identical HRT since a blood test is required. The cost of of either product works out at about £1.00 per day.